Welcome to RoyLic Int.
RoyLic International is dedicated to preserving honesty and integrity in all facets of our day to day endeavors. We strive to improve the mindset and economic futures of today’s youth by procuring sound investment opportunities in music royalties and other forms of intellectual property while turning those investments into a constant stream of income with the possibility of providing financial security and educational opportunities for under served youth.
What we do at RoyLic Int.
We Lawfully and Legally Acquire Musical Compositions which Include Intangible Creations of the Human Intellect. Including but not limited to artist creations such as, Songs, Albums, Catalogue’s, Streaming Right’s, Syncing Right’s etc. Including any and all forms of Intellectual Property, Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets for resale, licensing, and/or republishing. As well acquiring precious commodities such as, gold , silver, rhodium, etc.